HomeEducation Thesis Statement

Education Thesis Statement

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A well-constructed thesis statement is composed of two sentences that are placed at the end of your essay's introduction. The statement should include the subject you will discuss in the thesis. It will serve as a roadmap for your essay. A strong thesis regardless of your topic should be able to inform your readers as to what they can expect from it. You will be surprised to know that thesis statement has a few other functions and not just to state the subject of your essay.

In this article, you will learn the importance of a well-written education thesis statement and how to make an effective thesis statement. You can start by asking yourself some questions.

Does the thesis statement answer the prompt?

The term prompt might be new to you but it has been used when it comes to writing a thesis. A prompt is a question assigned by your teacher or decided by you. It includes question or problem surrounding a certain field, and since you are the essayist you are assigned with answering that question or problem thru your thesis statement.

For instance, you are designated to argue a position concerning a certain law about education. You should be able to state your side clearly with your thesis. And when you do, you will surely have a successful essay. If this is not the case, you need to think your stand thoroughly until you arrive at an idea that tackles with the prompt properly.

Can you collect enough evidence to support your claim?

A strong thesis statement is not just an opinion about your topic. There should be enough evidence to support your claim so you can offer it as a fact. During brainstorming, you should be able to list down all the evidence and determine if it is sufficient to develop an essay.

For instance, you are working on what you think about the Education law and what can be done to work better. Make sure that there are enough studies to support your claim and to make a credible and strong argument.

Is your thesis statement for education specific?

Let's say your thesis statement is strong enough and it can answer the questions and can be supported well, but how about if the scope is too wide to cover? Consider the same topic we used in the above questions. The failure can be resolved, but what if you need around 20 pages to explain your thesis about education and you are only allowed to make a five pages thesis?

It is important that you make your thesis specific enough for the task given. For instance, a specific thesis could be that statements about education law concerning the grading system should be reviewed since it has lots of flaws and questionable parts. You can suggest a new system that is acceptable to many and is very specific to the assignment to make a stronger thesis. The good thing of having a specific education thesis is that you will provide only the information that your readers need and they can easily understand your stand and your essay.

Is your thesis statement on education disputable?

Your question might be why does it have to be disputable? Isn't it good if everybody agrees with your thesis? The answer is yes and no. Yes, it would be an easy thing for you if no one will object on your claim. And no, because a thesis statement for education essay should be fresh, and created to invite others who are interested in the subject to engage in the discussion about your topic, triggered by your argument. The best way to approach your thesis statement is to look at the essay as a way to tackle your subject and not a final statement.

Tips on writing the perfect thesis

Choose a topic that you find interesting and would engage and help people. This is the most important step in writing your essay and your thesis statement. It will direct you in all direction of the paper depending on the topic you want to write about. However, if the topic is decided for you already, then you should ignore this part.

1. Explore your topic

The objective is to look for a specific subject in your topic which you can argue about. For instance, take the topic of education. There are many aspects of education that can be expanded like the laws, the system and others. Vague topics will not make a good thesis. A narrow subject like the effects of education at present allows for a clearer focus.

2. Identify the audience, type and purpose of your paper

Normally your instructor will assign you this, but if you will be the one to choose them, you should understand that these will greatly affect the thesis statement. If you will be writing a persuasive paper, your main objective is to prove something to a particular group. For a descriptive paper, you aim to describe something to a particular group. It should be clearly expressed in your thesis.

3. Follow a fixed structure

If you know the basic formula, you will not only maintain your thesis within the right length but it will likewise help you see that the argument should be well-organized. A good thesis should include two parts:

  • A specific subject or topic
  • A short summary of what you will say

Your essay should contain information that is added in specific sections or parts. Even if it is a short essay it should have the important parts like the introduction of the argument, providing and assessing the data, making counterarguments, and the conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion have a fixed spot, but other parts don't have. For instance the counterargument part, it may be added within a paragraph, as a part of the beginning, before the essay ends or as a free-standing section.

Background material usually appears at the start of the essay, between the intro and the first analytical part, but can be added at the beginning of a particular section to which it is relevant.

It is best to think of the different essay sections like answering different questions your reader might ask when dealing with your thesis. As mentioned above, your readers should have questions to engage them in your thesis. If they don't have any questions then your thesis is just an observation of fact and not something to argue about.


The first question your reader most probably will ask about your thesis. What evidence can you provide to show that your thesis is true? To answer this accurately, you need to examine your evidence, to show the truth of your claim. This part usually comes right after the introduction.

Since you are telling your reader what you have observed, this is the part that you should say something before you start writing. But it should not take up one-third of your completed essay. If it takes longer than that, your essay will lack balance and will appear as a description or summary.


The "how” should be able to answer whether your claims are true in all cases. How it can survive the challenge of a counterargument? How to introduce a new material is the latest way of checking at the evidence, another group of sources - affects your claim.

Generally, an easy will include one how part. This section comes after the what, but this might complicate the argument many times depending on how long it is, and that counterargument alone may be placed anywhere in the essay.


Your followers or readers want to know that is at stake in your claim. It should answer why your interpretation matters to people around you. This question will address a bigger effect on your thesis. It lets the readers understand your essay in a bigger picture. By answering why you will be able to explain its importance.

The complete answer for why can be found at the end of the essay. If you leave it unanswered, your readers will treat your essay as unfinished or pointless.

4. Make a preliminary thesis

Writing a preliminary thesis will help you organize your essay and will make you think about it more, clarify the content of the paper and develop our ideas even more. You will be thinking about your thesis clearly, accurately and logically.

There are two things that you should think about on thesis timing. Others think you should not write the paper without a thesis in mind and written down, even if you change it a bit at the end. The other thing is that you probably won't be able to know where you are going thru until you get there, so don't create a thesis until you know what it should be.

5. Mistakes can weaken your thesis

You should analyze your thesis statement thoroughly to avoid mistakes. Make sure you will not commit any mistake as this can weaken your thesis. To have an idea of what you should do and what not to do, below are some pointers you can consider:

  • Framing your thesis statement as a question is not a good idea. Remember, the thesis should answer the question and not to ask.
  • You might think that a thesis can be a list. It is not. If you are trying to answer a particular question, it might make your paper off-focus. Keep it short and concise.
  • Do not mention a new topic that you don't want to discuss in the paper.
  • Never use the first person in writing your thesis. It does not look good.
  • Do not be too assertive. Your main point of writing the essay is to convince your reader about your stand, not to scare them away and the best way to do this is to make them listen to you. Show that you are open-minded and look for common ground between contradicting views.

6. Consider a working thesis

Your thesis does not have to be absolute. It is best that you consider a working thesis that can be changed if needed. As you complete your thesis, you might feel that your stand changes or direction has changed a bit. So it is important that you re-read your thesis continuously, compare it to your paper and do the needed changes. Once you have completed your paper, check your thesis and assess if you need to revise it.

Features of a thesis statement

A well-written thesis statement is the main focus or argument of your essay. Thru your thesis statement, your audience will have an idea as to what you are trying to prove in your essay. To make people read your essay it is important to have an appealing and effective thesis statement. This will encourage them to learn more about your paper. It is a must that your thesis will be able to capture the attention of your readers. And you can do this if you have an efficient thesis statement. Here are some of the features of a good thesis statement.

Specific. An effective thesis statement is straight to the point and brief. It states what the paper all about is clearly. The credibility and reliability of an essay are reduced if you have an overly-stated thesis statement. A specific thesis statement can support your argument easier.

Appealing. Your thesis statement should be something that captures the attention of your audience. It should be appealing enough to attract your audience and encourages them to read your essay.

Argumentative. A well-written thesis statement about education should be argumentative. Starting your essay with a less argumentative statement can make it ineffective.

Embraces paper content. An effective thesis statement explains what your essay is about.

Mistakes committed while writing a thesis

An efficient thesis statement should be able to show your audience what you intend to convey. However, students tend to commit the same mistakes again and again and some of them are as follows:

Lack of extensive research. Most students tend to rush their essay and the result is a poorly written article. Choosing a topic that you don't have any idea about is not a good thing to do.

Poor Thesis Statement. An overstated thesis statement could mislead your readers. This makes them confused as to what you are trying to tell. As a result, your audience might lose interest in reading your essay.

Final thoughts

The key for a well-written thesis is a strong thesis statement, well-organized complete with introduction, body and conclusion and a well-researched data. It is best not to rush in writing you need enough time to put all the information and details you have gathered. Hope you have learned a lot in this post and apply it on your next thesis work.